How Much Would It Cost To Start An Ice Rink How Much Does Renting Out An Ice Rink For A Few Hours Usually Cost?
How much does renting out an ice rink for a few hours usually cost? - how much would it cost to start an ice rink
I know it is calling the best way to solve this problem, but I'm not sure, and I would really be an estimate of reserves as before. It belongs to a group of about 15-20 people and last about 2 hours. Thank you:)
20 Skating Party, you can have in a public meeting. In this way each person can cost the public meeting, which was 4 to 6 or 7 U.S. dollars plus skate rental and everyone could afford to pay off.
The rents vary from track to track. The average is about $ 250 / hour with me for a car in full length. It is a very small (1 / 4 size), ice rink that rents for $ 35/hour in another state. You need to be addressed directly to the runway.
Most lines offer package deals and offers - you ask. This is probably a better way, your money and have more fun.
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